The SAFe® Product Owner and SAFe® Product Manager (POPM) course covers the tactical responsibilities of these roles in the Agile Release Train. The course also gives you the guidance and tools you need to work effectively in remote environments with distributed teams.

Learn how product owners and product managers should work together to achieve the best possible customer and business outcomes. The SAFe POPM course will teach you how to adopt a customer-centric approach to building products, using Scaled Agile Framework® to deliver more value, faster. Topics covered in this course include the daily role of POs and PMs; collaborating with engineering teams and business stakeholders; how to write epics, features, and stories; and how to design, prioritize, build, test, and deliver products with increased productivity and higher quality.

This 2-day course teaches the practices, terminology and Lean-Agile principles of the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®).

Learn how to execute and release through Agile Release Trains, build an Agile Portfolio, and lead an enterprise transformation to Agility by leveraging SAFe®.

Attending this class will prepare you to take the exam and become a certified SAFe® Agilist (SA).