Improve your team's results!
The Scrum Readiness for Real Agility™ Foundations E-Learning Course is a complete explanation of the Scrum Framework that gives you all the information you need to improve the results from your team.
If you are a team lead, project manager, coach or team member, this E-Learning Course will help you take the next steps to improve results. You will learn to:
- decide if the Scrum Framework is right for your team
- explain the Scrum Framework your colleagues
- use the core practices of Scrum to improve your team
- What is Scrum For?
- The Scrum Values
- Scrum Roles and Team Constraints
- The Scrum Process
- The Definition of Done
- Historical Changes to Scrum
- Ambiguity in Scrum
- Scrum and Organizational Agility
- Ideal, Proto- and Dark Scrum
- Learning More About Scrum
- Scrum Anti-Patterns
- The Scrum Warning Label
- BERTEIG Scrum Readiness Exam
- Value For Value
- Informative, Inspiring and Practical Next Steps