An e-learning course is a course in which learners work independently to complete all learning objectives.  There may be instructor support for e-learning courses, but the instructor never "meets" the whole group of people taking the course in a virtual "classroom" setting.  Instead, all interactions between learners and instructors are one-on-one.

An e-learning course will provide you with an opportunity to validate learning based on quizzes, the submission of other independent work or one-on-one evaluation by the instructor.  This validation is the primary reason for taking an e-learning course as opposed to watching YouTube videos and reading Wikipedia pages.

Improve your team's results!

The Scrum Readiness for Real Agility™ Foundations E-Learning Course is a complete explanation of the Scrum Framework that gives you all the information you need to improve the results from your team.

If you are a team lead, project manager, coach or team member, this E-Learning Course will help you take the next steps to improve results.  You will learn to:

  • decide if the Scrum Framework is right for your team
  • explain the Scrum Framework your colleagues
  • use the core practices of Scrum to improve your team


  1. What is Scrum For?
  2. The Scrum Values
  3. Scrum Roles and Team Constraints
  4. The Scrum Process
  5. The Definition of Done
  6. Historical Changes to Scrum
  7. Ambiguity in Scrum
  8. Scrum and Organizational Agility
  9. Ideal, Proto- and Dark Scrum
  10. Learning More About Scrum
  11. Scrum Anti-Patterns
  12. The Scrum Warning Label
  13. BERTEIG Scrum Readiness Exam
  14. Value For Value
  15. Informative, Inspiring and Practical Next Steps